Tuesday 17 July 2012

When a Girl Accepts Your Friend Request
it means she accepted Your "Friendship" Not Your "Proposal"..
When a Girl sends you a Friend Request
it means She wants to be your Friend not Your Girlfriend.
When She Tag you
it means she wants to share her Thoughts with You
'n not that She's Lost in Your Thoughts..
When she comments on Your status
it means She's just being Social 'n not Flirting..
When She Like Your comment
it means She like Your Comment not You. !



Friday 13 July 2012

Sadi khichdi

Bnaao Khichdi,, Pkaao Khichdi,, Khaao Khichdi,, "Kro Gol Mol Gallan"

Smallest Leave Application by a KG Child:
Dear Sir,

Mai Aaj Nahi Aaoon ga! :'(
Nahi Aaoon ga :'(
Nahi Aaoon ga :

Thank U
Bas nahi aaoon ga.